
Binary Studio Academy 2022 – registration is open

Our residents have opened registration for Binary Studio Academy 2022!

Learning is always about development and opportunity. If you feel safe and have the strength to discover something new – sign up for a free online course with JS, .Net, Mobile or QA! Together we will replenish the ranks of the cyber-troop and raise the Ukrainian economy!

What is waiting for you?

In June-July, you will master modern frameworks and tools, get all the necessary theoretical base and fix it with homework.

In August, together with the team, you will develop a web or mobile application for your portfolio, which you are not ashamed to show to your friends or future employer. And the Binary Studio Academy team will provide conditions as close as possible to commercial development. Roadmaps, daily meetings, code-reviews and SCRUM methodology will become an integral part of the learning process!

In September, the best students will have a chance to join Binary Studio.

The team will help you upgrade to the level of a confident Junior developer during the summer of 2022 and get a job in IT. Let’s invest in the future of Ukraine together!

Register now, access prep materials and get ready for the most action-packed summer ever!

Glory to Ukraine!

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