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LNOKS helps creating Web and Mobile Solutions for Businesses and Startups to get more profit by:
- Increasing the percentage of close rates and deal sizes
- Decreasing the sales expenses
What are the services we provide to make a positive impact on your business?
- Web Development
- Mobile Development
- Web & Mobile Design
- SaaS (Software as a Service)
- EdTech Platform (Educational Platform)
- Ecommerce Platform
Here are some results of our cases:
+ 36% of Close Rates for one of the Leading Communication Platforms
– 47% of Sales Expenses for Educational Business
+ 32% of Deal Size while Modifying Real Estate SaaS Platform
For your clients we produce good options of tools and platforms for Development:
- Front-End: React (React.js), Redux, Next (Next.js), Angular (Angular.js), React Native (iOS & Android)
- Back-End: Node (Node.js), Express (Express.js), Nest (Nest.js), Java Spring Boot
- DevOps: AWS, GCP, Firebase, Digital Ocean
- Platforms: Xcode, Android Studio, App Store Connect, Google Developer Console
- Design Tools: Material UI (MUI), Ant Design, Figma, AdobeXD (Adobe XD)