IMAGE 2022-12-13 17:18:56


On the code date of 12/12/2022, the team of the most anticipated film of the year “The First Code” presented a mini-episode based on the main film at a large press conference in Kyiv. 

“The heroes of the film are people who created the IT industry and stood at its origins. These are extremely charismatic heroes who personally impressed me a lot. In general, “First Code” is not about IT in the narrow sense. It is about a portrait of an era and the people who created this industry. As a director, I want the film to be an inspiration, because the IT industry is currently being reconfigured. That’s why I want this film to inspire future feats,” shared the director of the film, Artur Lerman.

The five-minute video voices the main question that “The First Code” investigates: “How did we end up here – in a world where the Ukrainian IT industry has become one of the strongest in the world.”

” Many unknown facts about the Ukrainian IT industry, which we found during the research, will amaze you. We have combined the entire history in one place: what is the IT industry, how it developed, how we all ended up here: from point “0”, which began in the 90s, to the present. I can say with confidence that we will tell the secret history of the Ukrainian IT sphere. This movie with an artistic content will be interesting for everyone to watch. We are doing it in order to show the strength of the Ukrainian IT industry all over the world. And also the fact that our specialists are strong and smart “,  – commented the producer of the film and the author of the study Vladyslav Savchenko

The team used a technique where a separate script was written specifically for the episode and a separate mini-film was shot with the actors of the picture.

Our film was not a “YouTube story” from the very beginning – we immediately had ambitions of a big cinema. As of now, absolutely all Ukrainian streaming platforms are ready to rent the tape, but we are targeting the world-famous Netflix, Amazon or Apple TV, which work through special agents. We already have contacts with agents, and they are waiting for a trailer from us ,”  shares the creative producer of the film Lyubov Mochalova.

“The First Code” is a story-journey through time: it begins as early as the 50s – from the creation of the first computer by Ukrainian engineers to the present, when the IT sector has become not only a powerful industry, but also an important front in the war with Russia .

The companies that stood at the origins of the Ukrainian IT industry started working in the stormy 90s: private businesses did not yet exist, and in order to have access to computers, you had to work as guards for free at enterprises that had them.

The history of the Ukrainian IT industry will be told by the most prominent representatives of the industry: the companies ELEKS, EPAM Ukraine, SoftServe, NIKS, Infopulse Ukraine, Uklon, Preply, Sigma Software Group, Netpeak, Looksery and others.

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